Friday, February 4, 2011

Big Fat Fail

I've failed my blog. I haven't been writing like I should and I haven't been doing my diet to the fullest either. It all started with a birthday party and drinks and it went downhill from there. I have been counting points though but I haven't really been keeping track like I normally do. I also haven't been able to post because I have been painting my house :) Which I love.

My social networks have been on my mind lately. I feel like I should take a break from them. I seem to get more things done when I am not on the computer. Hmmm , I wonder how that is. I'm thinking I am going to take another week off my blog and then jump back on the wagon. So my next post will be a weigh in so come back later on next week and see were I'm at. (I haven't even weighed myself.) But in the mean time let me tell you. It snowed in San Antonio Texas. Can you believe it, I can't. It wasn't a lot but was enough for some snowballs and fun. Hope everyone is doing ok. I Can Do It, I Can Do It, I Can Do It and I will. Starting Next Week ;)

Me In The Cold "Brrrrrrrr"

The Fat What Girl

Beginning Weight
January 3, 2011 - 200.6 lbs
January 11, 2011 - 192.4 lbs
January 17, 2011 - 190.8 lbs
January 24, 2011 -189.4 lbs
Goal Weight - 150 lbs